Recent Blogs
Health Care
Are You Due for a Vaccine?
Estimated read time:While staying current on immunizations may only seem relevant for school-age kids, everyone should be sure they’re up to date. Read on for the recommended vaccinations by age, for infants, kids and...
Health Care
Stay On Beat: How Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Can Lead To Stroke
Estimated read time:Some studies have shown that people with atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat) are about five times more likely to experience a stroke than people who don't have it. Learn more in our blog.
Health Care
Healthy Lungs for a Healthy You
Estimated read time:Having healthy lungs is a foundation for a healthy you. We’ll explain how your lungs work, how to keep them healthy and when you should seek pulmonary care.
Family and Friends
How to Respond When a Loved One is Hesitant About the COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:Expert answers to some commonly asked questions and concerns about getting a coronavirus vaccine.
Public Health
Specialty Acute Care Close to Home in Land O’ Lakes
Estimated read time:AdventHealth Connerton is a specialty acute care hospital for patients who require a continued hospital stay.
Health Care
Battle High Blood Pressure with CREATION Life
Estimated read time:CREATION Life health principles can help you make positive changes to your well-being, including lowering your blood pressure. Learn more.
Health Care
Natural Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure
Estimated read time:Managing blood pressure calls for a holistic approach: One the focuses on your body, mind and spirit. Discover natural ways to lower your blood pressure. Learn more.
Health Care
Do You Have High Blood Pressure and Not Know It?
Estimated read time:High blood pressure is a silent killer. AdventHealth helps you understand your risk for hypertension (high blood pressure), and tips on how to lower it.
Health Care
Blood Pressure and Over-the-Counter Medications Don’t Always Mix
Estimated read time:Over-the-counter medications can have a direct impact on your blood pressure. AdventHealth explains how over-the-counter medications affect your blood pressure and how you can prevent complications.