Recent Blogs
Health Care
What is Aquablation, and is it for Me?
Estimated read time:Learn about Aquablation, a non-surgical, minimally invasive approach to treating men with an enlarged prostate.
Family and Friends
How to Respond When a Loved One is Hesitant About the COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:Expert answers to some commonly asked questions and concerns about getting a coronavirus vaccine.
Trending Health Stories
Pregnancy and the COVID-19 Vaccine
Estimated read time:Considering starting a family soon? Read more about the COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy from our experts.
Health Care
Healing From Hernias Faster with Robotic Surgery
Estimated read time:Surgeons can use the robotic system to repair a hernia, allowing for smaller incisions, less pain and a faster recovery.
Family and Friends
How to Find the Neurological Care to Best Suit Your Needs
Estimated read time:Neurologists, neurosurgeons and neurointerventional radiologists all care for your health in different ways. Here’s how they differ.
Health Care
The AdventHealth Digestive Health Institute Continues to Innovate and Expand
Estimated read time:AdventHealth Orlando is recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of America’s best hospitals for gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery, and the AdventHealth Digestive Health Institute...
Health Care
Spine Surgery Advancements Improve Quality of Life for Cancer Patients
Estimated read time:New carbon fiber technology is enabling enhanced follow-up after surgery and improving radiation oncology treatment for cancer patients.
Health Care
AdventHealth Orlando’s Center of Excellence for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Takes Multidisciplinary Approach to Treating Intestinal Failure, Offering Patients New Hope
Estimated read time:As part of its Center of Excellence for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, AdventHealth Orlando has worked under the leadership of board-certified colorectal surgeon John Monson, MD, to assemble a...
Health Care
What You Should Know About GERD Treatment
Estimated read time:Everyone runs for tums from time to time with some reflux after eating a large meal, but when you start to feel that uncomfortable, burning feeling a few times per week or with more concerning...